Monday, November 27, 2006

5 Steps to Stop INNER CLUTTER, and Take Back Your Present

Kim Wolinski, MSW

Dr. DeClutter ...

Inner Clutter is that “white noise” in our heads, racing thoughts, mental distractions, anger, old baggage, worry, guilt, judgments and negative thinking, jumping to the past and into the future, limiting us from being really “in our lives” in the present.

Whether you know it or not, Inner Clutter controls you every moment. Inner Clutter wears you out, makes you tired, depressed, steals your time and energy, takes you away from your family and friends and makes you physically ill. The good news… you have the power to change this.

The following five steps will help you take control and make every moment better, and more importantly, a create a better life right now.

1. Breathe
Inner Clutter can be stopped amazingly quickly by just breathing!

When you feel frustrated, your mind won’t stop racing.

DO THIS: Stop for even 2-3 seconds, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Medically this is also very important. Deep breathing gets the necessary oxygen and blood to your brain so that you can think better and therefore make better decisions, letting go of stress.

2. Quiet your mind

No matter what our age, we all need quiet time. Time to reflect, to hear our thoughts, to take care of ourselves, to stop the mental chatter, to redecide and think clear thoughts about what’s really important. Make sure you are making this time for yourself daily, even if it’s just for a few undisturbed minutes to get re-centered.

3. Listen to your thoughts

Marcus Aurelius said, "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it."

Scary, huh?! Really listen to what your thoughts are saying and doing in your head. Examine them and make choices and decisions to deal with them. Don’t just let them wonder around uncontrolled. They are after all, “your” thoughts!

DO THIS: When you sense racing thoughts in your mind stop, listen to what they are saying and capture them in mid-air. Grab one and wrestle it down onto a piece of paper with a pen or pencil. Write it out and see what is actually valid and true about it. If it’s not true, thank it so very much for being so entertaining for so long! And then, let it go.

Every time it tries to come back and create Inner Clutter, acknowledge it and let it go. This is also called, “getting out of your own way!” On the other hand, if the thought is true, do something about it. Your mind is not meant to be used for a holding tank for millions of confused thoughts -- yours and/or others.

4. Define problems as challenges seeking a solution

Vernon Howard, a mystic writer, stated, “Most people merely rearrange their problems, but with self-insight, you can end them.” Every “problem” and negative “drama” is an experience, a thought or an issue waiting to be challenged for a solution. The key here is to stop resisting it, stop resisting “what is.”

Let it go and start seeing and knowing for a positive change by releasing it. Again, sometimes we need to put proactive effort into it, other times we need to just let it go and let it change as it will.

5. Take care of yourself FIRST

“What other’s think of me is none of my business,” ~Terry Cole-Whittaker

Much Inner Clutter is from and about others. Your job, foremost, is to take care of yourself. Think of it this way; you’re on an airplane, the Flight Attendant explains that if the plane experiences problems the oxygen masks may come down from their holding bins in above your head. The next instructions are not just about your plane ride, but all of life… listen closely. “PUT THE OXYGEN MASK ON YOURSELF FIRST, THEN ON YOUR CHILDREN OR TO HELP SOMEONE NEXT TO YOU.”

Why? Because, if you’re gasping, struggling just to breathe, or worse, dead, you’re no help to anyone else! Get it? Take care of yourself first every day, and THEN you are better for everyone else as you choose to offer your help and energy.

So, the next time your find yourself up and running here, running there, going through your morning, unaware of what to do next, where things are, who you are and your mind chatter is winning…stop and do at least one of these five steps to declutter and re-organize Inner Clutter for good.

© 2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter” is a Professional Organizer based in Longmont, CO. International speaker and author of Letting Go With All Your Might and Keep the Holidays Simple.
To find out more, or to discuss and schedule a “decluttering” appointment call 303-485-5280. Email: or visit

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Permission to Think “Expansively”, Not “Expensively”

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Permission to Think “Expansively”, Not “Expensively”

Do you have items in your house that you really don’t want, but they’re still "worth something?" You might think to wait and collect more stuff and have a garage or yard sale. Maybe sell it on Ebay. Or, maybe… .

I want you to think less about “how much you can get for it (maybe)” – expensively – and start thinking “expansively.” The “expense” incurred in trying to be savvy and getting a couple bucks from something needs to weighed against the “expense” it costs you in time, money (gasoline!) and energy. What else could you be thinking about and spending time on that would be so much better?

Option: Expand your vision of life. Give it away! Yes, give it to someone who will appreciate it and use it gratefully. This raises the worth of the item(s) to “full value” and “feels” good too. You have now made a great, kind and generous gift and offering to the world of another.

Bottom line -- don’t let your possessions possess you!

When you “let go” of something, anything, you open a vacuum and “make room” for something better to come in its place. I’ve watched this happen in my life and others with great fascination. It’s kind of like if you want to redecorate a room you need to clean it out and shine it up to ready it for the new colors, flooring, paint, wallpaper, curtains, furniture, etc. My friend Sherry, for example, had cleaned out her closets to ready for the “better” to fill it back up. I’m glad that I could be one of the channels for this. She has a great new and different wardrobe now, hardly spending a dime!

(I decluttered and let go of my boyfriend last year!!!)

WARNING: After you do this a few times and see how magically it works, you’ll want to get rid of lots of things!!

©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert

It's NEVER too early, or late, to stop another stressful holiday season from stressing you out! My 43-page content packed and idea-rich ebook, Keep the Holidays Simple will give you the permission and plans to make the changes that will help you stay centered, honor your needs and enjoy everyone, no matter what! Order and/or read more at

Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Organize to Keep Your Identity from Being Stolen

Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter"

Concerned about your identity being stolen? Most people don't even realize they are victims of identity theft until it is too late. Only 11% of respondents in a Federal Trade Commission survey were aware their personal info had been taken before discovering they were victims. That's because credit thieves keep coming up with new ways to get your information.

Holidays are an especially targeted time of year as people are busy with children, shopping, thinking of lots of other things instead of concern for their purses, wallets, paper and such.

Don't be the next statistic. Get organized with these simple steps to protect your identity.

1. Shred all documents with personal information on them.

2. Don't write down where others will easily see or find it, and don't give out your PIN.

3. Don't carry all of your credit cards with you.

4. Sign your credit cards as soon as you receive them. Or, sign with CID (See I.D.) so that you will be asked to show your drivers license or other photo ID to protect you.

5. Never carry your Social Security card with you.

6. Don't have your Social Security number or telephone number printed on your checks.

7. If your state uses your Social Security number as your driver's license number, ask that another number be used instead.

8. Don't give out personal information on the phone, on the Internet or by mail unless you initiate the contact.

9. Pay attention to credit card bills to ensure no unauthorized charges are being made.

10. Watch for monthly bills. If they fail to reach you, call the company to find out why.

11. Choose passwords carefully. Avoid the obvious, such as your birth date, phone number or
mother's maiden name.

12. Safeguard your computer by updating your virus protection regularly and using a firewall program. Don't download files sent by strangers. Look for Web site privacy policies when buying something online. Don't store financial information on your laptop, and delete personal information when disposing of a computer.

If you do become a victim, cancel your accounts, report the crime to the police, notify the credit bureaus -- Experian (888-397-3742), Equifax (800-525-6285) and TransUnion (800-680-7289) -- and get help from nonprofit counseling groups, such as Call for Action .

This article is adapted from
The Basics: Conquer the 13 Biggest Financial Fears
Original article from Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine,

Scrapbookers, Here's A Great New Site For You!

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Scrapbookers, Here’s A Great Site For You!

  • Do you have great new photos from this past season?
  • Do you love taking and looking at photographs?
  • Do you enjoy scrapbooking?

I’m always on the lookout for new sites and ideas that help my readers to get and stay not only decluttered but really organized to be able to enjoy their passions and possessions.


Scrappin' Cabinet is a wonderful new blog about scrapbooking to help fellow scrapbookers find scrapbooking supplies, gather ideas for your layouts and discover helpful information about this wonderful hobby.

Created by scrapbooking enthusiast, mother, wife and business owner, Kim Dushinski, this site brings together all the necessary information and links to the best of the best she finds in the scrapbooking world for your use.

It includes Supplies, Ideas, Information, Links, Articles, Sales on Products, and so much more!

Go there now and anytime – bookmark it! – and get the ideas and suggestions, support and supplies that help you successfully enjoy your passions, pictures, people (family) and possessions (all your great scrapbooking “stuff!”).

©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert

Need help getting your space (house, office, barn, backyard – thoughts, mind, time, schedule, priorities, or life) decluttered and re- organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN and other products at

Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Organize Your Thoughts Before Giving and Receiving Gifts

Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter" www.

I think it's important that when we give and receive gifts that we organize our thoughts and emotions before they are opened, before our mouths engage, blurting out something rude, unfeeling, negating or embarrassing.

It's important too that when you're giving a gift not to negate your giving. Don't put yourself or your gift down. Give with an open heart and with love, for yourself and the receiver.

Seven Things You Shouldn't Say About a Christmas Gift You've Given

7. I just know this belongs in your house! Here, I'll show you where.
6. It was on sale!
5. Not very many people like these, but I thought you would.
4. I had three of these, I thought you might like one.
3. Oh, I just picked it up at the last minute.
2. I made it, but it's not that great.
1. You're probably not going to like it.

Everyone's done it, or thought it, at least once when receiving a gift. Here are some gems to delete from your holiday gift receiving vocabulary.

Seven Things You Probably Shouldn't Say About a Christmas Gift You Don't Like

7. Hey! There's a gift!
6. Oh, look at this. I've heard about this on the news.
5. This is perfect for wearing around the basement.
4. Oh, you didn't have to! Really, you didn't have to.
3. I love it -- I'll put it away so it doesn't get ruined.
2. Oh!? I've seen these before but didn't know what they were! What are they?
1. This is great. I know somebody who'd really like this!

Assume... that all gifts are given with care, love, friendship or just plain old kindness, so accept them with kindness, surprise and joy. If they were given for any other reason, accept them with kindness, surprise and joy anyway. Period.

TIP: If you don't want gifts, let all your friends and family know months ahead of time, or tell them exactly what you like (Think "perishable gifts" like food, restaurant gifts certificates, movie or theatre tickets, concerts tickets, etc.) or give them the address of your favorite charity and let them donate the money they would have spent on your gift to charity. Bottom-line, make gift-giving easy and kind.

Happy Holidays to you brimming with love, kindness and joy!


(C)2006 Kim Wolinski
Stress, Change & Organizational Skills Expert. Speaker, Professional Organizer and author of Keep the Holidays Simple, Your Guide to Coping with Holiday and Everyday Stress, and other products. Order at

Declutter WORRY With My New Ebook

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Declutter WORRY With My New Ebook

Do you worry… a bit, or a lot?

What do you worry about?…family, health, money, safety, security, the world?

It doesn’t matter who we are or where we live, worry can ruin more than just our day. It can be a major player in our health problems and attention span; our ability to make effective and efficient decisions and stay focused on our job or task at hand; and how it affects our relationships with others… and certainly the one we must cherish… with ourselves.

My new ebook THE WORRY CONTROL HANDBOOK, How to destroy the F.E.A.R. V.I.R.U.S. and take back your peace of mind is now available for $10.00.

Buy it today. Read and use the exercises and worksheets that I’ve tempered in my years of presentations on stress and worry. They will be very useful in helping you see just what is important and what is not and how to focus your thoughts again to get back the joy of life… no matter what is happening in your world or the world at large.

Click hear:

©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter” Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert See my books and other products to support your organizing every level, INNER, OUTER AND OTHER.

Available now, my new ebook: THE WORRY CONTROL HANDBOOK, How to destroy the F.E.A.R. V.I.R.U.S. and take back your peace of mind at

Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Holidays and Children -- Organize for Holiday Safety

Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter"
Guest Article

Submitted by Kay Rosenthal PhD, RN Director
Options for Healthy Living, Inc.,
Estes Park, CO
Options For Healthy Living newsletter at

"For many children, each year, the holidays are interrupted by a trip to the hospital emergency room. Prevent Blindness America (PBA) reports that in 2003, there were more than 10,000 toy and play activity eye injuries in children under the age of 14. The PBA further reports that 90% of these injuries were preventable. Unfortunately, each year some of these easily preventable injuries will result in blindness.

So, choose toys wisely. Prevent Blindness America recommends gift-givers follow these tips for choosing safe toys:

1) Look for toys that have the letters "ASTM."
This means that the product meets the national safety standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials.(Many toy makers follow safety guidelines, some do not).

2) Inspect toys for sturdy construction.
Children’s toys should be durable and be able to with stand impact. (Shattering pieces are a recipe for disaster).

3) Store toys properly after play to avoid trips and falls onto sharp objects.
Check the lenses and frames of "dress-up" and sunglasses. Many less sturdy models can break resulting in an eye injury. Always avoid toys with sharp areas or rods. (Stay clear of toy weapons).

4) Avoid toys with flying objects or that shoot - especially BB guns and slingshots. (Toy guns are responsible for the largest amount of eye injuries in children).

5) Never give toys with small parts to young children. Young kids tend to put things in their mouths increasing the risk of choking.

6) Read directions carefully and follow suggested age levels to ensure the toy is appropriate for your child’s ability and age.

7) Explain the proper use of a toy to your child. A simple explanation of how not to use a toy and enforcing it prevents dangerous misuse of some toys.

If a child does sustain a cut or puncture of the eye or eyelid, knowing what to do could help to prevent vision loss: PBA lists the following instructions to help save valuable time.

1) DO NOT allow the child to rub the eye.
2) DO NOT try to remove an object that is stuck in the eye. (This could further damage delicate eye tissue) Cover the eye with a rigid shield without applying pressure. The bottom half of a paper cup can be used. See a doctor at once".

Enjoy the holidays and keep these eye safety tips in mind while you finish your holiday shopping.

Resources: and
Source: Akron General Medical Center, Center for Parish Nursing
Thanks for taking good care of yourself and your loved ones.

Organize Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Organize Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

“Inner” organizing, the decluttering of our inner house (mind) is actually more important than organizing your physical house. Of course, clutter of the mind and outer stuff and things are connected.

Have you ever used the child’s toy Etch A Sketch®? If you have you know that you turn it upside down and shake it, covering the glass for the next sketch session, all fresh and new. In other words, “a clean slate.” We need to do the same kind of thing with our minds.

”What happens when a confused mind tries to find an answer?
It finds a confused answer.
What happens when a confused mind makes a decision?
It makes a confused decision.
Don't you think it essential to clear your mind?"
~ Vernon Howard, Treasury of Positive Answers

Whether we actually turn ourselves upside down to do it or not is a personal decision!… but it is important on a daily basis to “shake off” thoughts and “sketches” – pictures and memories, worry and fear – that have written their lines and grooves and ruts into our minds. These paths of least resistance become a major distraction to the peace and flow that we should feel more often than not.

Stop. Make and take time to stop thinking. Meditate at least once a day for 15-20 minutes in the morning before your day and decisions and choices begin to collide with realities, the clock, others and emotions. The more you meditate you will find short and long term benefits from lowered blood pressure to a quieter mind and a more balanced life.

With this daily starting point it will be much easier to declutter and keep your thoughts organized and flow the life changes that will inevitably happen.

Want to play a little Etch A Sketch® right now? Go here!

©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter” Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert See my books and other products to support your organizing every level, INNER, OUTER AND OTHER.
Available now, my new ebook: THE WORRY CONTROL HANDBOOK, How to destroy the FE.A.R.V.I.R.U.S. and take back your peace of mind at

Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.


Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter"

Are you going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving?

Yes. The answer is "yes!"

No matter what you have planned, what actually happens, what doesn't happen and what you wish had happened... you can be happy anyway! How? CHOOSE.

"Happiness is not a state to arrive at
but rather a manner of traveling."
~ Samuel Johnson

No matter what's happening at any moment, no matter what plans you have or had and what ends up happening, each one of us can CHOOSE our thoughts and ultimately the path of our emotions. You can CHOOSE to be at peace, happy, grateful, joyful even excited and ecstatic... if you want to!

In choosing happiness, gratitude, hope and love in the face of chaos, frustrations, uncertainty, loss, sadness, grief and even tragedy, we discover that as holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl says, "...the last of all human freedoms is the freedom to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances -- to choose one's own way".

Many blissings for a wonderful holiday week. CHOOSE to be grateful, thankful and happy this Thanksgiving.

Before Thanksgiving Day, take a moment and write a list of all of the good you experience in your life. From your freedom, to being able to drive, to the ability to buy pretty much what you want and need 24/7, to your health, family and friends, job and interests, being able to follow your interests and creativity, to sunshine and Autumn weather.... don't stop, keep writing. Write for 10 minutes non-stop. The time will go by in a blink and hopefully you'll find many more items to add to your list and sit even longer.

Now -- take this list to your Thanksgiving gathering and share a few items. Ask others to do it too and see how much you all have to be thankful for. These lists can spark great conversations and sharing too.

Don't let another opportunity go by with an unmindful "Grace. Let's eat and football's on..." kind of Thanksgiving. STOP, BE QUIET and CHOOSE to be grateful. Really "feel" grateful.

I'm grateful that I can type, that there is Internet and Blogs, that I have a peaceful home, that I have work I enjoy, that I have a gzillion wonderful friends, that my family loves me, that I've lost 20 lbs.! and so much more! Make this list ongoing and remember to stop, be quiet and choose to be and grateful everyday.

Happy Grateful Thanksgiving of Choice,


(C)2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW "Dr. DeClutter"
Go to to find life-changing books and tapes including
  • Burn Your House Down! VIDEO on how to get and stay organized
  • Reduce stress every holiday, event and everyday with my content-packed ebook, Keep the Holidays Simple, Your guide to coping with holiday (and everyday) stress
  • Letting Go With All Your Might, A guide to life transitions, change, choices and effective redecisions
  • And more

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Stop Clutter from Coming into Your Life

Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter"

During the upcoming weeks you may be bombarded with pamphlets, flyers and whatever else comes handed to you at the doors of your grocery store (feed the poor); at work (give); at your place of worship or community (upcoming events) and more. Flyers. Pieces of colored paper promoting something important. Really?

Yes, well... some of these things ARE important and you may even want to be a part of them, donate or whatever. However, you don't have to take the flyer to do it. The plan here is to stop more unwanted, unsolicited pieces of paper from cluttering up your car, purse, briefcase, pockets and house.

I've learned that the easiest way for me to do this is to keep my hands in my pockets or behind my back. I "used to" be one of those people who just automatically accepted stuff that was put in front of me. The first couple of times I didn't accept those pieces of paper I felt odd, kind of wrong, like something was missing. I got over it!

It's okay not to accept pieces of paper, including business cards! It's okay to listen to the pitch. It's great to give and participate. Be selective. Do all accepting and giving from an open and loving heart, not begrudgingly or from duty.

Have a wonderful (less cluttered) holiday season!


(C)2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW "Dr. DeClutter"

Go to to find life changing books and tapes, and my new video on organizing, Burn Your House Down! Reduce stress every holiday, event and everyday with my content-packed ebook, Keep the Holidays Simple, Your guide to coping with holiday (and everyday) stress and Letting Go With All Your Might workbook.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Go On A Shopping Trip – In Your Own Home!

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Go On A Shopping Trip – In Your Own Home!

Okay, here it is!! Just days before that massive shopping extravaganza weekend after Thanksgiving.

I want to offer you a very cool tip on finding stuff for free!! Yes FREE!! Whether you're shopping for the holidays or any event... save money, time and nerves the next time you need to shop for clothing, especially when you have children.


1. Declutter.
Yes, you heard me! When you declutter piles and heaps and boxes of stuff and things in closets, garage floors and attics you'll be amazed at what you'll find that you forgot to give in the past or bought two of along the way, someone gave you and you'll never use, or... whatever!

Create a "Gift Box" and put these items in it for "regifting". Yes, REGIFTING! Why spend more money and mental anquish over things you already have!

2. Box and Label for Future FREE Stuff!
When you get and stay organized by boxing and labeling you seasonal clothing – and children’s clothing that can be worn the next year by the same or another younger child– you will save yourself plenty of time, energy and money by going into your storage boxes and bins and finding most of what you may need “before” you go store shopping.

Yes, we already own most of what we need; we just don’t remember where we put it! So, the more organized you are and the better categorizing and labeling you do when organizing, you will find much of what you need right in your own square-foot-heaven.

This includes all kinds of items, like tape, pens, batteries, flashlights, supplies of all kinds, gloves, etc. When you keep items in “categories” and “contained” in boxes, tubs, bins and baskets, and “label” them so that everyone in the house can find them and put them back when done using the items (teach everyone!) you’ll waste less money, time and mental energy trying to locate and use what you already own.

©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter” Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert See my books and other products to support your organizing every level, INNER, OUTER AND OTHER.

Available now, my new ebook: THE WORRY CONTROL HANDBOOK, How to destroy the FE.A.R.V.I.R.U.S. and take back your peace of mind at

Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.