Holidays and Children -- Organize for Holiday Safety
Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter"
Guest Article
Submitted by Kay Rosenthal PhD, RN Director
Options for Healthy Living, Inc.,
Estes Park, CO
Options For Healthy Living newsletter at
"For many children, each year, the holidays are interrupted by a trip to the hospital emergency room. Prevent Blindness America (PBA) reports that in 2003, there were more than 10,000 toy and play activity eye injuries in children under the age of 14. The PBA further reports that 90% of these injuries were preventable. Unfortunately, each year some of these easily preventable injuries will result in blindness.
So, choose toys wisely. Prevent Blindness America recommends gift-givers follow these tips for choosing safe toys:
1) Look for toys that have the letters "ASTM."
This means that the product meets the national safety standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials.(Many toy makers follow safety guidelines, some do not).
2) Inspect toys for sturdy construction.
Children’s toys should be durable and be able to with stand impact. (Shattering pieces are a recipe for disaster).
3) Store toys properly after play to avoid trips and falls onto sharp objects.
Check the lenses and frames of "dress-up" and sunglasses. Many less sturdy models can break resulting in an eye injury. Always avoid toys with sharp areas or rods. (Stay clear of toy weapons).
4) Avoid toys with flying objects or that shoot - especially BB guns and slingshots. (Toy guns are responsible for the largest amount of eye injuries in children).
5) Never give toys with small parts to young children. Young kids tend to put things in their mouths increasing the risk of choking.
6) Read directions carefully and follow suggested age levels to ensure the toy is appropriate for your child’s ability and age.
7) Explain the proper use of a toy to your child. A simple explanation of how not to use a toy and enforcing it prevents dangerous misuse of some toys.
If a child does sustain a cut or puncture of the eye or eyelid, knowing what to do could help to prevent vision loss: PBA lists the following instructions to help save valuable time.
1) DO NOT allow the child to rub the eye.
2) DO NOT try to remove an object that is stuck in the eye. (This could further damage delicate eye tissue) Cover the eye with a rigid shield without applying pressure. The bottom half of a paper cup can be used. See a doctor at once".
Enjoy the holidays and keep these eye safety tips in mind while you finish your holiday shopping.
Resources: and
Source: Akron General Medical Center, Center for Parish Nursing
Thanks for taking good care of yourself and your loved ones.
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