Permission to Think “Expansively”, Not “Expensively”
Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”
Permission to Think “Expansively”, Not “Expensively”
Do you have items in your house that you really don’t want, but they’re still "worth something?" You might think to wait and collect more stuff and have a garage or yard sale. Maybe sell it on Ebay. Or, maybe… .
I want you to think less about “how much you can get for it (maybe)” – expensively – and start thinking “expansively.” The “expense” incurred in trying to be savvy and getting a couple bucks from something needs to weighed against the “expense” it costs you in time, money (gasoline!) and energy. What else could you be thinking about and spending time on that would be so much better?
Option: Expand your vision of life. Give it away! Yes, give it to someone who will appreciate it and use it gratefully. This raises the worth of the item(s) to “full value” and “feels” good too. You have now made a great, kind and generous gift and offering to the world of another.
Bottom line -- don’t let your possessions possess you!
When you “let go” of something, anything, you open a vacuum and “make room” for something better to come in its place. I’ve watched this happen in my life and others with great fascination. It’s kind of like if you want to redecorate a room you need to clean it out and shine it up to ready it for the new colors, flooring, paint, wallpaper, curtains, furniture, etc. My friend Sherry, for example, had cleaned out her closets to ready for the “better” to fill it back up. I’m glad that I could be one of the channels for this. She has a great new and different wardrobe now, hardly spending a dime!
(I decluttered and let go of my boyfriend last year!!!)
WARNING: After you do this a few times and see how magically it works, you’ll want to get rid of lots of things!!
©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert
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