Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Organize and Complete Your To-Do List Faster In “Chunks”

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Organize and Complete Your To-Do List Faster In “Chunks”

Do you make lists? I do. I LOVE lists! Okay, and you can tell me… do you ever do something that’s not on your list and then write it down just so you can cross it off? I do! I LOVE lists! Doesn’t crossing an item off as “complete” feel great! High five! YEA LISTS! (Okay, now you know, it doesn’t take much to make me happy!!)

So, the depressing thing about lists is to look at items that are large projects, which extend over weeks and months. It can feel overwhelming. “Where do I start!”

THE KEY to successfully dealing with large or long projects is to “chunk” them down. That’s right; divide them into doable “chunks.”

Breaking these projects down into smaller manageable steps of 30 minutes, 1 or 2 hours each, like your other smaller projects, will get you done in “chunks” at a time. Then, get your pen out!! – YES, you’ll get to scratch off one “chunk” at a time and get that same great feeling of completion and satisfaction as with small projects. High five!! Ahhhh, I LOVE lists! Have I said that?!

Now, you can look at your TO-DO LIST and just see doable, objective projects that can be “seen as finished” more easily. And, when you can “see” a project finished, it is much easier to start on and stay with “to” the finish.

©2005 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert

Need help getting your space (house, office, barn, backyard – thoughts, mind, time, schedule, priorities, or life) decluttered and re- organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN and other products at

Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Organize Your Weight Loss Program With My 8 Glasses-8 Ounces Tip

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Organize Your Weight Loss Program With My 8 Glasses - 8 Ounces Tip

Do you get your 8 glasses of water down each day? You know the drill!… 8 glasses of water, 8 ounces each. Water only. No pop. No coffee. No tea. No juice. They don’t count. Water.

Do you forget sometimes? So do I. And, do you forget and keep sitting at a computer or at a repetitive job until your legs, thighs and behind are numb? So do I. But, I don't forget to eat often due to low blood sugar, that’s a good thing.

So, the other day my creative little mind figured that I could actually take out (better than kill) two birds with one stone. I created a lab project for myself, and it works pretty well.

NOTE: I have to say here that I’m not one of those people who likes the 64 plus ounce bottle, jug or gigoondous mugs. I like real glasses that hold around two cups of water. My project took on a title because everything I do gets an acronym or title really fast. I call it "8 Glasses-8 Ounces."

I fill 8 glasses with 8 ounces of water each in the morning from my filtered water pitcher. Then, I only bring one glass at a time into my office. I generally watch the clock and every hour or so drink that glass of water and go get another. SO -- I "have to get up" and walk into the kitchen (I work out of my home office) to get the next glass.

What this does is helps me know that I’ve drank them, no wondering, as well as gets me off the chair and away from the computer screen long enough to stretch and get blood and oxygen moving through my body parts. I usually drink more than 8 glasses a day, but this absolutely gets me the minimum and some necessary exercise (I’ve been known to hardly move from the computer for over 15 hours! – Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!).

“The preservation of health is a duty.
Few seem conscious that there is such a thing as physical morality.”

~ Herbert Spencer

Our bodies are made up of 98% water. Our brain is 76% water, lungs – 90% and blood plasma – 98%. Water hydrates our bodies and keeps everything “moving,” flushes toxins out of the body, assists in digestion, circulation and excretion. I’ve heard from a fitness trainer that we should drink “3 to 4 liters” of water a day. Yeah, well, I’m pretty happy doing the 8+ right now!

If you would like help with your workout, strength training or weight loss program, learn from the Body-for-LIFE-2000 Challenge Couples Champions-2nd Runner Up, Gino & Tami DePalma at , it’s helping me!

©2005 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert

Need help getting your space (house, office, barn, backyard – thoughts, mind, time, schedule, priorities, or life) decluttered and re- organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN and other products at

Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Inner Clutter: Keys to Control Your Mind

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Inner Clutter: Keys to Control Your Mind

“Clutter” comes in many forms. Do you have unwanted thoughts and feelings running through your mind and body all day long? Do you find it almost impossible to stop them? Do you feel like you need "a miracle?" Well, that would mean you’re human! Welcome to planet Earth, eh?

Worry, stress, judgments, resentment, anxiety (specific or free-floating), thinking about the future or the past, hearing a lot of “shoulds,” “ought to have,” “now what will I do?” and more. They are our thoughts. They start as we awake in the morning and we don’t know when the last one shuts off as we drift off to sleep when our dreams take over the night shift, processing our day and thoughts on whole new levels.

When thoughts show up they can be as small as a pesky gnat or as powerful as a buffalo stampede between our ears. If we don’t practice measures of controlling them, they can spiral out of control and into a deluge of gloomy thoughts, depression, hopelessness and compounded anxiety, addictions (soft and hard) and illness.

Do you think about the world’s problems… on top of your day at the office, your children, your spouse or family, your health, finances, safety and much more? Sometimes it feels almost impossible to stop the tape loop whirling in our brains, replaying images, words and feelings over and over again. Over time it becomes not only emotionally draining, but affects our immune and adrenal systems creating the opportunity for stress related illness and disease.

97% of all doctors’ office visits are stress related! Unwanted thoughts and emotions that persist can do great damage as they distract you from your life. Luckily, there are ways to take control of your thoughts and feelings attached to them; consciously releasing them by re-training your mind to refocus its attention on more positive subjects.

KEY: Take back your attention and to refocus it.

HOW? I call this process “Red Monkey Stoppers.”

Let’s start with Red Monkeys! Right now, DO NOT think of a RED MONKEY! How’d you do? Did you think of a RED MONKEY?! Of course you did. Our minds are set up to think of colors, nouns, images, forms and sounds, plus, things with which we are already acquainted. Your mind goes right to the RED and the MONKEY. Flew right by the “Simon Says” statement, “DON’T.”
So, when you’re thinking, “I don’t want to think about being ill,” “I’m so tired of thinking about money problems,” etc., your mind flies right past the “don’t want” part and goes for the nouns, ideas and concepts that it knows. It goes right for fear.

So, how to you STOP THE RED MONKEYS? Use “thought stoppers.”

These can be one word or a few that you use as soon as you become conscious that your mind is in “monkey mind.” You can say it out loud or just in your mind to “wake up” to consciousness and move out of the unconscious programmed habitual loops of thought. You can say, “STOP!” or “That's enough!”

Now, like decluttering a room of what you DON’T WANT, you will clean it up and then put in new furniture and redecorate with what you WANT! You must “replace” your programmed habitual loop of thought with something new, something positive, supportive and healthy for you.

I call these RESET statements and thoughts, “JOY STARTERS!”

This is "miracle working" in a small but powerful step... a technique to shift your view, perception and emotions. This can be a word, “Peace;” a phrase, “All is well;” a song lyric tune (even one you make up!), anything that distracts, detours and deminishes the habitual thoughts onto another track that is better for you. If you’re more visual, use not only more positive words, but choose images in your mind of past wonderful and happy experiences or future desired ones.

KEY: Never try to “think away” an unwanted thought because you will simply strengthen it.
You’ll be “feeding the monster!” Can you say King Kong?

It’s best to prepare for times when “you will” experience rampant programmed old thoughts and want to be ready for them. Create a toolbox of positive, affirming options so that you’re ready “when” the RED MONKEYS swing in and try to steal your "flow!"

Other ways to stop looping thoughts include: Recite the alphabet, tackle some chores, dance, sing, read a poem, pray, chant, do a puzzle, exercise (which released hormones that may reduce unwanted thoughts), or perform a conscious breathing meditation.

It’s absolutely natural to have out of control thoughts. Using the ideas I’ve offered here however will put you into a very small group of humans who are willing to moment-by-moment listen to their thoughts whizzing by, catch the one’s that are taking them off track and change the direction they are headed. These techniques will get easier and easier with time and practice. And, you will be amazed at the many "bonus benefits" you’ll experience using them.

Want to lose weight? Make more money? Have more fun? Find more peace? Change your life direction? Start a new project? Attract a new relationship, health or wealth into your life? Where will you be in 6 weeks (6 months, a year, 5 or 10?) if you don't start now? You can start anytime, why not today? Become a Miracle Worker in your own life!

If you would like to learn to use this and many more tools for your Consciousness Building Toolbox for a better life, you will want to work with me to rediscover your authentic self and live the life you are meant to live.

©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert
Let go of Inner Clutter -- get past your past with the help of my book, Letting Go With All Your Might. You can find out more at Kim's Store:
Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.

Organize Your Mornings – Stop Morning Time Crunch Crisis

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Organize Your Mornings – Stop Morning Time Crunch Crisis

Work, children, school, sports, band, back to school… . If your most hectic time of the day is before 8:30 a.m., then these tips may be the S.O.S. you’ve been looking for!

The hurried feelings and urgency that can rule these early morning hours can ripple over into the rest of your day like dominos. No wonder, according to a University of Maryland study, 85 percent of us feel rushed some or all of the time.

Here are 6 TIPS to Stop Morning Time Crunch Crisis

1) Prepare the night before.
This is a must if you’re going to get on top of the day. Getting ready what you’ll need for the next day the night before will really help lessen the confusion and short tempers that can take a toll on your health and relationships each morning. At last a half-hour before you go to bed at night prepare for the next day: Get your clothes; food for breakfast and lunch, even dinner when possible; everything you need for work or school; items for planned errands, drop-offs and pick-ups; children’s school notes signed; their meals ready; clothes, sports equipment, etc. Preparing the night before will make the morning so much easier on everyone.

2) Be selfish! Take care of yourself first.
Taking care of everyone else before yourself (especially a women’s/mother’s issue) will not get you “points in heaven!” It will however wear you out. Preparing the night before will take care of some of this, but waking up 15 or so minutes earlier and getting yourself ready, ideally while the kids are asleep, will give you that breathing room needed “when” things don’t run smoothly.

3) Organize Your Basics.
My basic organizing information includes the fact that “everything must have a ‘home’.” You will waste much less time searching for the little things when you take care of the basics daily, giving everything a home – a specific, consistent place to “live.” Know where your house and car keys “live.” Have an extra $20 in your wallet in even smaller bills at all times especially if you have children, they may need some of it for a school function. If you wear nylons make sure you always have more than one good pair “just in case.” Make sure any medication is up to date and bottles are never too close to empty before refills. Ask the children daily if they have parent/teacher notes to read or sign or anything that needs to be prepared for the next day. Small measures to take care of the basics will bring so much peace to your mornings immediately. No more, “Where is it?” and “I don’t know!”

4) Keep it simple!
From children’s clothing to breakfast and lunch choices, choose the easiest options, especially during really busy weeks. Buy clothes that are so easy “a child could do it!” Example: Velcro sneakers for them; front buttons and zippers for you. Minimal preparation is the key for breakfast foods, as well as foods the children can get themselves: Like cold cereal, energy bars, and yogurt – healthy and easy. Teach your family to put dishes in the sink or right into the dishwasher as early as possible. Even very small children can do this to help out. Decide how important it is to fix the beds “perfectly” or have all the dishes cleaned before you leave – things like this don’t matter in the big picture and will only create more stress where it’s not necessary.

5) Just say “no” to TV in the morning.
You might consider TV a useful tool to keep kids in one place, but studies show that it's actually a huge distraction. Leaving the TV off lets everyone focus on the business at hand, communicate without shouting over the TV and finish sooner.

6) Calendar Central.
Don’t let yourself become the “all knowing” person in the house of the appointments and schedules (it’s a set up for victimhood and martyrdom!). Buy a large calendar. Hang it on the refrigerator or wall where everyone, no matter how short or tall, can see it easily. Write in all kids' appointments, practices, and activities. When you’re doing your night before prepping (see #1 above!), check the calendar. Gather all necessary items – school projects, soccer ball, treats for band, extra socks, violin cases – and put them by the door. You’re ready! When you leave in the morning, just grab everything and go.

Kids get as or more stressed than parents when they feel unorganized, unprepared, out of control and helpless to change it. Being a leader and model for peaceful mornings will be a life-long proactive lesson for your children. Start off of the right foot this school year!

©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert

Need help getting your space (house, office, barn, backyard – thoughts, mind, time, schedule, priorities, or life) decluttered and re- organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN and other products at

Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.

Organize Your Life – To Dance

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Organize Your Life – To Dance

Every once in a while I receive or come across a very good poem, song or inspirational piece that really goes to the core of our need to declutter, let go, get over distractions and organize our lives in a way that we “raise the bar” on our old habits that do not bring us JOY and FREEDOM. This is one such reading. And, whether it’s a real letter or not, it certainly offers some simple reminders and truths about what is necessary to enjoy our lives and live more fully each day.

The following is a letter written by an 83-year-old woman to her friend.

Dear Bertha,

I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting in the yard and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time working.

Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.

I'm not "saving" anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the first Amaryllis blossom.

I wear my good blazer to the market. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries. I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties, but wearing it for clerks in the hardware store and tellers at the bank.

"Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary -- if it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now.

I'm not sure what others would've done had they known they wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all take for granted. I think they would have called family members and a few close friends. They might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think they would have gone out for a Chinese dinner or for whatever their favorite food was.

I'm guessing. I'll never know.

It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my hours were limited. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my family often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. And every morning when I open my eyes, tell myself that it is special.

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!!!

©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert

Need help getting your space (house, office, barn, backyard – thoughts, mind, time, schedule, priorities, or life) decluttered and re- organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN and other products at

Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.