Organize Your Weight Loss Program With My 8 Glasses-8 Ounces Tip
Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”
Organize Your Weight Loss Program With My 8 Glasses - 8 Ounces Tip
Do you get your 8 glasses of water down each day? You know the drill!… 8 glasses of water, 8 ounces each. Water only. No pop. No coffee. No tea. No juice. They don’t count. Water.
Do you forget sometimes? So do I. And, do you forget and keep sitting at a computer or at a repetitive job until your legs, thighs and behind are numb? So do I. But, I don't forget to eat often due to low blood sugar, that’s a good thing.
So, the other day my creative little mind figured that I could actually take out (better than kill) two birds with one stone. I created a lab project for myself, and it works pretty well.
NOTE: I have to say here that I’m not one of those people who likes the 64 plus ounce bottle, jug or gigoondous mugs. I like real glasses that hold around two cups of water. My project took on a title because everything I do gets an acronym or title really fast. I call it "8 Glasses-8 Ounces."
I fill 8 glasses with 8 ounces of water each in the morning from my filtered water pitcher. Then, I only bring one glass at a time into my office. I generally watch the clock and every hour or so drink that glass of water and go get another. SO -- I "have to get up" and walk into the kitchen (I work out of my home office) to get the next glass.
What this does is helps me know that I’ve drank them, no wondering, as well as gets me off the chair and away from the computer screen long enough to stretch and get blood and oxygen moving through my body parts. I usually drink more than 8 glasses a day, but this absolutely gets me the minimum and some necessary exercise (I’ve been known to hardly move from the computer for over 15 hours! – Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!).
“The preservation of health is a duty.
Few seem conscious that there is such a thing as physical morality.”
~ Herbert Spencer
Our bodies are made up of 98% water. Our brain is 76% water, lungs – 90% and blood plasma – 98%. Water hydrates our bodies and keeps everything “moving,” flushes toxins out of the body, assists in digestion, circulation and excretion. I’ve heard from a fitness trainer that we should drink “3 to 4 liters” of water a day. Yeah, well, I’m pretty happy doing the 8+ right now!
If you would like help with your workout, strength training or weight loss program, learn from the Body-for-LIFE-2000 Challenge Couples Champions-2nd Runner Up, Gino & Tami DePalma at , it’s helping me!
©2005 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert
Need help getting your space (house, office, barn, backyard – thoughts, mind, time, schedule, priorities, or life) decluttered and re- organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN and other products at
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