Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Inner Clutter: Keys to Control Your Mind

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter” http://www.drdeclutter.com/

Inner Clutter: Keys to Control Your Mind

“Clutter” comes in many forms. Do you have unwanted thoughts and feelings running through your mind and body all day long? Do you find it almost impossible to stop them? Do you feel like you need "a miracle?" Well, that would mean you’re human! Welcome to planet Earth, eh?

Worry, stress, judgments, resentment, anxiety (specific or free-floating), thinking about the future or the past, hearing a lot of “shoulds,” “ought to have,” “now what will I do?” and more. They are our thoughts. They start as we awake in the morning and we don’t know when the last one shuts off as we drift off to sleep when our dreams take over the night shift, processing our day and thoughts on whole new levels.

When thoughts show up they can be as small as a pesky gnat or as powerful as a buffalo stampede between our ears. If we don’t practice measures of controlling them, they can spiral out of control and into a deluge of gloomy thoughts, depression, hopelessness and compounded anxiety, addictions (soft and hard) and illness.

Do you think about the world’s problems… on top of your day at the office, your children, your spouse or family, your health, finances, safety and much more? Sometimes it feels almost impossible to stop the tape loop whirling in our brains, replaying images, words and feelings over and over again. Over time it becomes not only emotionally draining, but affects our immune and adrenal systems creating the opportunity for stress related illness and disease.

97% of all doctors’ office visits are stress related! Unwanted thoughts and emotions that persist can do great damage as they distract you from your life. Luckily, there are ways to take control of your thoughts and feelings attached to them; consciously releasing them by re-training your mind to refocus its attention on more positive subjects.

KEY: Take back your attention and to refocus it.

HOW? I call this process “Red Monkey Stoppers.”

Let’s start with Red Monkeys! Right now, DO NOT think of a RED MONKEY! How’d you do? Did you think of a RED MONKEY?! Of course you did. Our minds are set up to think of colors, nouns, images, forms and sounds, plus, things with which we are already acquainted. Your mind goes right to the RED and the MONKEY. Flew right by the “Simon Says” statement, “DON’T.”
So, when you’re thinking, “I don’t want to think about being ill,” “I’m so tired of thinking about money problems,” etc., your mind flies right past the “don’t want” part and goes for the nouns, ideas and concepts that it knows. It goes right for fear.

So, how to you STOP THE RED MONKEYS? Use “thought stoppers.”

These can be one word or a few that you use as soon as you become conscious that your mind is in “monkey mind.” You can say it out loud or just in your mind to “wake up” to consciousness and move out of the unconscious programmed habitual loops of thought. You can say, “STOP!” or “That's enough!”

Now, like decluttering a room of what you DON’T WANT, you will clean it up and then put in new furniture and redecorate with what you WANT! You must “replace” your programmed habitual loop of thought with something new, something positive, supportive and healthy for you.

I call these RESET statements and thoughts, “JOY STARTERS!”

This is "miracle working" in a small but powerful step... a technique to shift your view, perception and emotions. This can be a word, “Peace;” a phrase, “All is well;” a song lyric tune (even one you make up!), anything that distracts, detours and deminishes the habitual thoughts onto another track that is better for you. If you’re more visual, use not only more positive words, but choose images in your mind of past wonderful and happy experiences or future desired ones.

KEY: Never try to “think away” an unwanted thought because you will simply strengthen it.
You’ll be “feeding the monster!” Can you say King Kong?

It’s best to prepare for times when “you will” experience rampant programmed old thoughts and want to be ready for them. Create a toolbox of positive, affirming options so that you’re ready “when” the RED MONKEYS swing in and try to steal your "flow!"

Other ways to stop looping thoughts include: Recite the alphabet, tackle some chores, dance, sing, read a poem, pray, chant, do a puzzle, exercise (which released hormones that may reduce unwanted thoughts), or perform a conscious breathing meditation.

It’s absolutely natural to have out of control thoughts. Using the ideas I’ve offered here however will put you into a very small group of humans who are willing to moment-by-moment listen to their thoughts whizzing by, catch the one’s that are taking them off track and change the direction they are headed. These techniques will get easier and easier with time and practice. And, you will be amazed at the many "bonus benefits" you’ll experience using them.

Want to lose weight? Make more money? Have more fun? Find more peace? Change your life direction? Start a new project? Attract a new relationship, health or wealth into your life? Where will you be in 6 weeks (6 months, a year, 5 or 10?) if you don't start now? You can start anytime, why not today? Become a Miracle Worker in your own life!

If you would like to learn to use this and many more tools for your Consciousness Building Toolbox for a better life, you will want to work with me to rediscover your authentic self and live the life you are meant to live. http://www.drdeclutter.com/personal_coaching.html

©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert
Let go of Inner Clutter -- get past your past with the help of my book, Letting Go With All Your Might. You can find out more at Kim's Store: http://www.redecisionsinstitute.com/kims_store.html
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