Pay Attention to Self-Labeling!
Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter"
In organizing it's important to label everything in order to find it faster, keep categories together and such. But when it comes to your life and your self-talk, be very aware of the labels you are tagging yourself with... that you may not want to live up to!
Negative self-labeling is an unconscious, programmed behavior. Everytime you say, "I am" in front of any sentence, you are labeling yourself that. Is "that" really who you are? Is "that" the person, the life and the experience you want to live out?
I hear many people, mostly women, who say things like:
"I am so fat!"
"I am so ugly!"
"I am not very good at ______________."
"I am always making mistakes and messing up."
And on and on.
These statements are actually abusive! Think about it. If someone else told you these things about yourself, you'd be hurt, angry and probably tell them off!
So, listen to your language, your self-labeling, and change it as soon as you are conscious of it. Change your statements and descriptions immediately to something positive, loving and self-nurturing.
Remember, whatever you say and consistently attach to the words,
"I am" you will become! YIKES! Take charge of your self-talk today!
the “stories” that are continuously running through our minds."
©2007 Kim Wolinski, MSW "Dr. DeClutter" Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert
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Labels: Consciousness Building