3 Steps To Make Your Dreams and Goals a Reality This Year
Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter” www.drdeclutter.com http://drdeclutter.com/personal_coaching.html
3 Steps To Make Your Dreams and Goals a Reality This Year
We all have dreams and goals and wishes. And, many of them, no matter how small or grandiose can come true. Making them your new reality has everything to do with following a formula that will get you from here to there. Here's the formula in 3 easy steps:
1. Decide: What do you really want?
2. Plan of Action: Create a path of doable steps to get there.
3. Start: Do the steps!
Easy, huh!? Then, why do so many people live day-by-day without doing these 3 Simple Steps?
#1: Because part of the very human condition is that we get distracted by so many things our amazing world has to offer. Our dreams get way-laid.
#2: We each have a very personal history of conditioning, a blueprint imprinted on our minds as children. We received these beliefs, fears and habits from our families and culture, society, church and school, etc. that over the years have built a wall of beliefs telling us one thing when we want something else.
#3: We don't always know how to create our plans and to think bigger than we've ever thought before to get what we want.
#4: We lack the focus to stay with our action plan and keep the persistance going when needed.
If you wanted to buff up your body, you'd hire a physical trainer and, though you'd complain and balk at times, you'd do that extra sit-up or crunch and "s-t-r-e-t-c-h" yourself into your new body that you want and have dreamed of. It takes consistant, persistent movement, risk, challenge and change. And, you can do it!
The question is not, "What if I die tomorrow?"
It is, "What if I live another 20 or 30 years the way I am?"
I want you to realize your dreams. I've upgraded my Personal Life Coaching options and look forward to hearing from you. I want to work with you and your goals to see them through to completion.
- Stop settling for what used to work, but doesn't now.
- Stop settling for less than you know you can be, do and have.
- Stop stopping yourself from the life you know you deserve and that will bring you great joy and use of your unique talents and abilities.
No one else is like you -- ever has been and ever will be again. You have dreams and goals that are yearning to become real. I'm so excited to help you get there!
The same holds true for any other goal you want to attain or dream you want to manifest, whether it's a new job, write a book, become a speaker, sing on stage, get married, get single, change you hairdo! Big or small dreams are all the same... they are ours and they want to be experienced.
What do you need to realize your dreams?
- A brainstorming session?
- Ideas and resources to help you forward?
- The necessary action plan and steps to get there from here?
- A Task-Master to keep you moving on your plan?
- Help through the challenging times where big and small s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s are required?
I'm ready to help you today and very excited to support you in realizing your unique dreams, the one's yearning and aching in your bones for far too long.
Find out more about my Personal Coaching for Dynamic Change at http://drdeclutter.com/personal_coaching.html or call me at 303.485.5280. I can work with you from anywhere by telephone. Don't let your dreams go unlived.
©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter” Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert See my books and other products to support your organizing every level, INNER, OUTER AND OTHER. http://www.redecisionsinstitute.com/kims_store.html
Available now, my new ebook: THE WORRY CONTROL HANDBOOK, How to destroy the F.E.A.R. V.I.R.U.S. and take back your peace of mind at http://www.drdeclutter.com/worrycontrol.html
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