One of the Best Storage Boxes For All Things Important
Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
One of the Best Storage Boxes For All Things Important
There are many kinds of boxes to use for storage for your stuff and things, important and unimportant. But, to make storage work the best means to use a certain kind of box that will streamline your storage system and make it highly functional, as well as not-bad to look at.
The best boxes for papers, as well as many other items are the white “bank” boxes that you can buy in multiples at your local office supply store. Here’s why:
1. They are white, making them very clean looking;
2. They are easy to bring home as they are flat and quickly assembled into a nice clean container and “home” for your possessions, records and documents to “live.”
3. You can find them on sale several times a year so they are not too costly;
4. They have a easy fitting lid, not the push and pull and rip four-piece lid that must be taped and retaped shut and that look bulky if nothing is covering it;
5. They have built in reinforced handles;
6. They can be used for anything, but when used for paper, you can put hanging files in them as they fit on the sides perfectly. (You can also buy these just for hanging files that have the added plastic runner that goes on the side so that the cardboard doesn't break with weight.)l;
7. You can write on them with a marker, making it easy to find and access what you need in the near or far future;
8. You can label them for years of children’s clothing, memorabilia by event, tax returns, etc.;
9. When you use them for storing seasonal clothing, mark one side “Summer Clothing” the other “Winter Clothing” and just turn the box around when you’re in the right season!;
10. Your movers will love you when it’s time to stack ‘em up and move ‘em out;
11. If you need to ship the contents, just tape them up and take to the post office, cover the content label with an index card or other opaque piece of paper taped on, and ship it off;
12. Recycling these boxes is a thumbs up as well.
©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter” Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert See my books and other products to support your organizing every level, INNER, OUTER AND OTHER.
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