How to Let Go and Declutter Your Stuff
How to Let Go and Declutter Your Stuff
Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”
Do you freeze, fall asleep, wander around, eat chocolate and “trance” when you want to make a decision about decluttering something?
Here are the keys to identify how to let and declutter your stuff.
Personal Internal Inventory
1) Pick up each item and do the following Mental Check List.
2) Answer yes or no. That’s all you get, yes or no!
3) Any wavering creates the “trance” and everything stops!
4) Permission: If you really get stuck, you can put an item aside in a box marked “Re-decide by next week.” Give yourself a week and go back to that box and do these steps over again until it’s empty.
5) Gaining speed as you do it really helps to say yes and no faster.
6) Ask for help when doing this. An objective other in the room is very helpful, and makes it easier to laugh at all our “stuff.”
Mental Check List
- Do I love this item?
- Have I used it in the past year? (Will I ever fit into it again?)
- Is it really garbage? (Some items can go on a garage sale, donate to thrift shops, domestic abuse shelters and such, or ... hey, Ebay!)
- Do I have another one that is better?
- Should I really keep two?
- Can I get or find another one if I ever need it again?
- Does it have sentimental value that causes me to love it?
- Does it give me guilt and make me sad when I see the item?
TIP: Everything holds energy.
The items we should surround ourselves with should be wonderful, evoking love, joy, humor, happiness, pride, etc. If items evoke anything but these positive and good feelings, they need to go.
(Remember: “Go” means recycle, re-purpose, re-gift, donate, etc. The trashcan is the last place it “goes” if someone else can still use it. Our landfills don’t need more than necessary!)
Happy decluttering!
©2005 Kim Wolinski – Dr. DeClutter
Need help getting your space (house, office, barn or backyard) organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN at
My book LETTING GO WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT is also very helpful in decluttering inside and out. Find out more or order at
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