6 Simple Steps to Start and Keep Your Day Organized
6 Simple Steps to Start and Keep Your Day Organized
Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter” www.drdeclutter.com
How frustrating is it to start off the morning, okay, every day, being unorganized? And, how stressful is it to feel like nothing is getting done because of it?
There are some simple steps to start your day off on the right foot – organized and orderly – so that the rest of your day flows much more smoothly.
Here are 6 simple steps.
Planning is everything. Start the night before. Make a list of the things you have to do the next day. Prioritize, list and organize each item in the sequence that it should be accomplished. (Things change throughout the day, but organize them as much as you can with the information you have.)
Look over your list for similar tasks and consolidate these tasks together. You’ll not only wake up in the morning with a clear-cut guide detailing everything that must be done, you’ll be less stressed and sleep better over night as well. Two birds – one To Do List!
Distractions of all kinds show up in our lives and find their way into our grand plan, throwing us off track. One way to help you stay on track is to create a “reset button” or “tickler.” One option is to get a watch, or a timer, setting it to alarm every 30 minutes. This “tickler,” reminds you to be conscious and identify for yourself if you are working on your original plan or not. Be honest with yourself and get back to the plan!
Distractions are self-made and other made. Don’t see everything as an emergency. Don’t let others create dramas in your life either, distracting you from your plan. Acknowledge where you are and get back on schedule if you’re not. No blaming, no guilt, no shame! It’s your “reset button.” Start to just say to yourself, “Stop. Oh. I see. Here I am. Get back. Okay!”
How frustrating to commute to a scheduled appointment just to find that they are not there or forgot! When you have an appointment always call to confirm before you leave your home or office. Sometimes there may be extra information you’ll need for the project/meeting and you’ll get this on the phone call too. This helps to ensure that you and your appointment are “still on the same page” and, if there is a delay expected, you can do something else first, before you leave. Obviously, if it’s cancelled, you surely want to know this ahead of time.
I’m one of those people who feel great accomplishment when I know I’ve completed something. I’m into completions. I’m into lists. I LOVE checking items off my list when I’ve completed them. It’s important to do this too so that you don’t keep reading over the same items, wasting time and distracting your mind to thoughts already finished.
BONUS! If you love lists and crossing things off as much as I do, try this. If you do something that’s not on the list already, write it down, and cross it off! YEA!!!! Man that feels good!
The day is over. How did you do? Take a look at your list. How many items did you accomplish – how many are scratched off? It’s time to pre-plan for tomorrow. Get out a clean sheet of paper and start your list.
The few you may have left, move to tomorrow’s To Do List and start over again fresh. If you have a good number of items left undone, and you know you were honestly working away at the list all day, you might have too many items on your list. Step back a bit and re-think how much and how many activities, events, projects and tasks you can really do in a day’s time. You can’t work 24/7, no one can. Take a deep breath and maybe be more realistic, delegate or dump some of the items.
Life isn’t all about “to doing” all day long. We are human beings, not human doings! But the To Do List will help you get and stay less stressed by creating a form and function, order and linear path for your creativity to take.
When you’re all done with your days list, getting ready to write you next days To Do List, make sure to clean up your space and completed projects. This means filing, putting items back where they belong, routing, mailing, etc. You want to maintain your space so that you can start your next day clean, tidy and a space where you will not be distracted with leftovers.
©2005 Kim Wolinski – Dr. DeClutter
Need help getting your space (house, office, barn or backyard) organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN at http://www.redecisionsinstitute.com/kims_store.html
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