Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Kim Wolinski, MSW Stress & Change Expert
"Dr. DeClutter"

Whether it's an election year or not, it's important not to take our freedoms and evolutionary changes for the better for granted. Here's what Oprah has to say about it.

From Oprah...
I've said it many times on the show -if you're a woman in America, you're one of the luckiest women on the planet. There's no other place on Earth where a woman has the freedom and the choices that we take for granted every single day.

- You have the freedom to educate yourself.
- Even more importantly, you can give your children an education.
- You can give them the food and clothing they need.
- You can choose to be married, or not.
- You can walk beside your husband or significant other, not behind him.
- You can drive a car, whether it's to your child's soccer game or to the work you choose to pursue.
- You can wear the clothes you choose.
- You can wear makeup and style your hair any way you want.
- You can be a stay-at-home mother. You can go to work. You can do both.
- You can speak your mind.
- You can choose the people who represent what you believe.

As women in America, we have richness of choice few other women can even dream of. Let's cherish that.

For all the women around the world who don't have the choices we do - honor yours.

Only 437 votes decided the last election.

Choose to vote on November 2nd. Pass it on.

Copy and email this letter to all the women (all the people) you know who cherish their freedoms.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Get Organized -- Think "Inside" The Box!

Kim Wolinski, MSW

When you are organizing, sorting and purging a "space" -- closets, drawers, garage, etc., don't throw out items that are still "good enough" for someone else to love and treasure! And, don't wonder where to put those found new gift items again. Here are two great tips for decluttering, organizing and managing stuff and stress!

Think inside the box, well, three boxes actually.

1) Make a Donation Box!
Give landfills a break and share your unwanted treasures.

Get a large cardboard box. Label it "Donation Box." These are the things you don't use, but someone else could be using right now.

Put this box in your garage or closet, someplace easy enough to put more items in. Then, every time you find something in your home you no longer use, but is still "good enough" for future use, put it in the Donation Box.

Recycle! Take the box to your favorite charity or thrift store once each month. You'll feel great knowing you've helped someone, blessed someone and inspired someone with your treasures set free!

2) Make a Gift Box!
When you declutter, you will find items that you bought on sale or clearance that you thought would be great gifts for future events. You might have even had someone in mind, or not, either way they are perfectly new and good items that are just waiting for someone to be gifted with them!

Put these items in your new box or lidded tub labeled, "Gift Box." Now, when you're invited to a Baby Shower, Wedding, Birthday Party or White Elephant Gift Event at the Office, you're way ahead of everyone else! You're always ready with a nice gift -- no stress, no last minute shopping, no hassle. They'll wonder how you're always so organized and prepared!

3) Make a Greeting Card Box!
Same idea, right? Right!

I've used all of these boxes for years, but because I so enjoy greeting cards have always really loved #3. Use a shoe box sized clear container, or even a nice, solid shoe box and label it "Greeting Cards." You can even make it easier to find the cards you want by making dividers with labeled index cards for the different categories of greeting cards like Birthday, Sympathy, Wedding, etc.

When you see cards you like or that are on sale, get a few extra that would match your family, friends and co-workers personalities so you're way ahead of ready!

BONUS! These three boxes will help you and your home be less cluttered, less chaotic and be more organized! All VERY good things!

Keep thinking inside the box. Make other boxes and containers that suit your specific needs!

©2004 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert

It's NEVER too early, or late, to stop another stressful holiday season from stressing you out! My 43-page content packed and idea-rich ebook, Keep the Holidays Simple will give you the permission and plans to make the changes that will help you stay centered, honor your needs and enjoy everyone, no matter what! Order and/or read more at

Editors and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Stress, Crisis and Chaos Reduction in 5 Steps

Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter"

70-95% of all physicians office visits are due to stress related complaints. Do you feel overwhelmed once in a while (maybe a lot?) and just don't know where to start stopping the chaos? Is it effecting your life?

Here are 5 steps that will help you nip stress, crisis, chaos and overwhelm in the bud.

Stop everything and take a big breath. Fear and stress create hours of shallow breathing keeping oxygen and blood from your brain. Make sure you've had sufficient protein so that low blood sugar isn't one more nasty culprit for your internal spinning to continue and inability to reason well.

Make a right now decision to shift your mind, your thoughts and mental energy to something proactive. Is your situation terrible? Life looks like many things as it's happening, doesn't it? No one is exempt. Good, bad, happy, sad... change your mind about it, your thoughts and perspective. You have total control over this. I know, "Yea, but... you don't understand... " Yes, I do understand... this is your moment of choice, right now, your point of surrender. Choose your path. Change your focus, or you will go the downward spiral into more fear, stress, overwhelm, depression, despair, apathy....

Adrenaline and hormones gone wild from fear triggers and surges from the brain are pulsing through your body like a wild fire. Give them an option, an outlet to flow positively. We are generally a couch/computer potato society... not good for the eyes, body, butt, back or brain! Put on some music you love and dance, go for a walk, jump up and down, do something to move your energy and put some fun back into your life no matter what your situation. Give your brain something else to think about and your adrenaline a good place to go.

4. F.O.C.U.S.
I love creating acronyms. Here's a good one. F.O.C.U.S. Feelings Of Clarity Under Stress.
Learn to ask yourself this question as soon as something "hits the fan," "What can I do about it NOW?" Then, go do that. Or, if nothing can be done now, move onto what you need to be doing in your day. Focus on this moment first, then the next 1/2 day and the day, then the week, etc. Pre-plan as you can, and let the rest go. Dance some more.

From your options in #4 do what it is you can do and get past it. If you don't, your procrastination will cause more stress. For some people this can become debilitating mentally, emotionally and sometimes physically, causing dis-ease. Keep dancing!

TIP: Go see the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know!"

(C)2004 Kim Wolinski, MSW
Author, speaker and published in national magazines. to view speaker topics and more.
Kim Wolinski, MSW, "Dr. DeClutter", International Speaker and Author. Past President of the National Speakers Association - Colorado Chapter.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Back to School: Organized and Stress-Free!

By Kim Wolinski, MSW ~ "Dr. DeClutter"

Getting ready for "back to school" days can mean different things to different people. What does it mean to you? If you just responded with fear, anxiety, and stress over hearing the voices of your angels saying, "Mom, where’s my homework?" "Mom, where’s my lunch?" or "Dad, I can’t find my books and helmet," you’re not alone!

I want to help you keep your vow to be more organized and less stressed this year by offering you some preventative medicine, rituals, time savers and other organizing tips to help you and your children enjoy the start of another glorious school year!

Ritual #1: The "Back to School" Declutter Appointment
Enlist the help of everyone and get the house in order before school starts. A good deadline for everyone's room to be spotless is the Sunday night before school starts. Starting off with a clean house, rooms, porch, etc. creates a good sense that this is something new and positive and gives a baseline to how "clean" is supposed to look!

Ritual #2: Make a Fresh Start
No matter what your income, it’s nice for children to have some new clothes (even if they’re only new to them), new supplies, etc. with which to return to school. For some it can mean one or two new pieces of clothing or a pair of shoes, for another it’s a new backpack or office supply that helps them to enjoy studying more. This means organizing closets and drawers to sort out the old and decide on the new. If your child has outgrown last years clothes, again, and they are still nice and wearable, have a yard or porch sale – make some money selling them and use that money to get new ones! The Back To School clothing sales will start soon!

Ritual #3: Ask Questions, Find Out Answers
As soon as possible ask your school and your child for a list of what they are going to need and the schedule for everything. Get off to a solid start with all of the right information the first time. This includes necessary supplies, equipment, lunch money, activities fees, sports and other schedules, etc.

Ritual #4: School Information Central
Take all of the information from your Q&A and write it on the Family Calendar. This calendar needs to be in the kitchen, by the phone and where everyone can see it and add to it as necessary. Make sure everyone checks it so that there are no double-bookings when they can be avoided. Don’t let the "I didn’t knows" create crises, anger, stress and hurt feelings. If you have room, use a bulletin board where you can post the calendar, schedules, announcements, and invitations where they will not get lost and everyone can see and comment on them. For daily notes, get a dry-erase board for your frig or wall for quick notes that can be wiped off and changed daily.

Ritual #5: Systems For Sanity
Teaching your children basic organizing skills and self-responsibility now will make them into much better children and adults. A lot of trees will be cut down just so that your child will be able to bring home lots of paper! One way to curb this chaos is to put a three-tiered wire or plastic basket by their bedroom door, or your kitchen counter. Teach them to sort through their own backpacks and put papers that need "To Be Signed" by mom/dad in the top basket; another basket for "Important Stuff Mom/Dad Needs" (PTA info., fund-raisers, school policies, etc. Help your child know what these would be); and a basket for "Art & Awards" to be used as scrapbooking ideas and keepers. (Move these items to labeled plastic tubs for organized storage.) And, set some rules, like, "If it’s not in the top basket by bedtime, it doesn’t get signed that night!" These tools and tips eliminate the last minute papers waving in your face, stress and bad feelings for the day and also gives you time to actually READ what you are signing! Also, make sure that you are on top of doing your part each night to check the files and go through them for your reading, approval and signature. Getting this system down will make a big difference.

Ritual #6: Family Meetings
If you haven’t started this tradition yet, it’s never too late. We make schedules and appointments for so many things and for others but often forget to actually sit down, meet with, talk to, listen to and enjoy our own children. Designate one night of the week when everyone can be there, plan an hour or more to discuss and plan the upcoming week and share how school is going so everyone’s on the same page.

Ritual #7: Fight-No-More Solutions
Sit down with your family and discuss what your routine arguments and hot spots are each year. Get out paper and pen and have each person help create solutions for pre-determining how to fix it. Here are some examples:
- Pre-Pick Daily Clothes: Stop morning delays and drama by laying out clothes on the bed or a chair the night before.
- Bed-Time Blues: Kids need their sleep for better health. So do parents! Stick to a schedule of lights out and up again as well as meal times when the kids are home.
- Sleep Routine: "B" above also means getting your child’s sleep-schedules and routines ready for the school year. If they’ve been up late all summer they’re going to need some practice going to bed earlier and getting their minds and bodies ready for the change. At least two weeks before school starts, re-introduce a school year bedtime. Get them started earlier and earlier, closer to the hour they'll need to rise when school begins.
- Forgetting Things: No one forgets everything, but maybe certain things. Isolate out the problem areas and get ahead of it.
You will have a "Fight-No-More" list particular to your family, just make sure to sit down together and spend time listening to and helping them to better pre-plan their year; make better choices.

Ritual #8: Routine
There’s a general routine to adult jobs and children’s school. The first week's routine can be made as close to a normal school week as possible so that it doesn’t feel overwhelming, or extra stressful, or a let down when it’s over and it’s "back the same grind." This means committing to make the above 7 tips a reality so that the first week runs smoothly. This creates a great path for the following weeks, and less "grind!" Good luck and have a great new Back to School Year!

©2004 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert

Need help getting your space (house, office, barn, backyard – thoughts, mind, time, schedule, priorities, or life) decluttered and re- organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN at and publishers are free to reprint blog articles as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and the signature line remains intact.

Dr. DeClutter’s Pre-Holiday (Survival) Planning Tool Kit -- EBook

Kim Wolinski, MSW

Do you ever notice that music from "JAWS" in the background as the holidays draw closer? I do!

In the next 2 months all joy is going to break loose! Are you ready? This Pre-Holiday Planning Tool Kit is a must if you want to make this holiday season better, saner and filled with more of what you want.

For some, holiday time can brings visions of sugarplum,
parties, and visits with family and friends --
for others it can also bring a rash of stressful energy
and emotions, hours spent shopping for the "perfect gift",
demands of travel, disappointment, loneliness,
unresolved grief and depression.

eBOOK available now
Keep The Holidays Simple:
Your Guide to Coping with Holiday (and everyday) Stress
If you're ready to stop having the same old experiences during the holidays you'll want this book. Use simple and proven steps to find, keep and enjoy your "peaceful center," feel calm again -- or for the first time in a long time -- and enjoy the upcoming months.

Tired of hearing your family and friends gripe about the holidays? Here's a great gift for them! Order it for "them!" They'll thank you! (No shipping and handling either!)

Good all year long. No matter what time of year it is, pre-planning is a must in order to change your next holiday experience to a better one for yourself and your loved ones.

Buy it now and forever know your peace!

Like Kim's presentations, this book is packed with immediate guides to help you redecide, let go and move on to where you really want to be. You'll get
· hands-on exercises,
· practical tips and methods for change,
· eye-opening factoids,
· true stories,
· inspirational quotes and stories,
· humor,
and for lots of fun pictures that are entertaining and poignant.

Ebook PDF file format. Only $10.00 -- delivered to your computer screen upon order verification! Couldn't be faster.

Go to

Don't create one more holiday season of struggle when the solutions are right here, right now. Don't lose another holiday season to past memories and anxiety. You and your family deserve better!

Happy Pre-Holiday Season!


Wednesday, September 01, 2004

New Ebook: Healing The "Parent" Within

Take Back Your Power, Get Past Your Past, Reclaim Your Life

by Kim Wolinski, MSW "Dr. DeClutter"

Read more and order at:


"If your family wasn't your family,

would they be your friends?"

If the answers is "NO!"... order now!

Stop settling. Get the answers to help you move past your past and reclaim the life you deserve.

Healing the "Parent" Within means...

not only identifying and releasing your inner critical parent voice... it means,

  • Understanding the link between unhealthy and painful conditioning, programming and patterning from your childhood and your life experiences today;
  • Waking up to long-held beliefs, habits, decisions and reactions that continue to create painful emotions;
  • Letting go of embedded limitations and obstacles to your life’s purpose and path;
  • Re-deciding your life’s decisions from your choices, from your desires... as fear of rejection and abandonment move out of your way;
  • Redeveloping your family relationships with those still around so that you can enjoy them, holidays and other events... or be okay with whatever relationship you choose.
  • Living renewed and refreshed to a life that is truly free of past pain and confusion;
  • Loving and trusting yourself and others on a new level—where balance, joy, freedom, trust and flow are normal.

Life's too short to be stuck in the past. Open your present today with guides, exercises and information in this content-packed ebook... Healing the "Parent" Within.

Read more and order at:

You'll find stories, examples, quotes and research from other experts in the human development field, exercises, and over 100 tips and guides to make the small and big changes necessary to take your life back completely.

If not now, when?

Declutter your Inner Clutter today!

Ebook: Only $10.00 (Worth $1,000's in therapy!)

"Kim, thank you so much for this book. I now get it! I'm so glad I'm not alone and that the steps you offer can be used on a daily basis to release my past and frustrations with my parents. Everyone should read this!." Janna K., Santa Fe, NM