Get Organized -- Think "Inside" The Box!
Kim Wolinski, MSW
When you are organizing, sorting and purging a "space" -- closets, drawers, garage, etc., don't throw out items that are still "good enough" for someone else to love and treasure! And, don't wonder where to put those found new gift items again. Here are two great tips for decluttering, organizing and managing stuff and stress!
Think inside the box, well, three boxes actually.
1) Make a Donation Box!
Give landfills a break and share your unwanted treasures.
Get a large cardboard box. Label it "Donation Box." These are the things you don't use, but someone else could be using right now.
Put this box in your garage or closet, someplace easy enough to put more items in. Then, every time you find something in your home you no longer use, but is still "good enough" for future use, put it in the Donation Box.
Recycle! Take the box to your favorite charity or thrift store once each month. You'll feel great knowing you've helped someone, blessed someone and inspired someone with your treasures set free!
2) Make a Gift Box!
When you declutter, you will find items that you bought on sale or clearance that you thought would be great gifts for future events. You might have even had someone in mind, or not, either way they are perfectly new and good items that are just waiting for someone to be gifted with them!
Put these items in your new box or lidded tub labeled, "Gift Box." Now, when you're invited to a Baby Shower, Wedding, Birthday Party or White Elephant Gift Event at the Office, you're way ahead of everyone else! You're always ready with a nice gift -- no stress, no last minute shopping, no hassle. They'll wonder how you're always so organized and prepared!
3) Make a Greeting Card Box!
Same idea, right? Right!
I've used all of these boxes for years, but because I so enjoy greeting cards have always really loved #3. Use a shoe box sized clear container, or even a nice, solid shoe box and label it "Greeting Cards." You can even make it easier to find the cards you want by making dividers with labeled index cards for the different categories of greeting cards like Birthday, Sympathy, Wedding, etc.
When you see cards you like or that are on sale, get a few extra that would match your family, friends and co-workers personalities so you're way ahead of ready!
BONUS! These three boxes will help you and your home be less cluttered, less chaotic and be more organized! All VERY good things!
Keep thinking inside the box. Make other boxes and containers that suit your specific needs!
©2004 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert
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