Decluttering Can Be Cathartic
Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”
Decluttering Can Be Cathartic
In my many years of speaking and presenting seminars and workshops on stress management, change and organizing, the human condition that is deep in our cells is that of holding onto the old, sometimes useless items – the fear of change and of perceived loss.
Recently I asked an audience member who she’d be without her “stuff”; who she’d be with an organized and tidy home, she said with a shudder, “I’d feel lost!” After saying it out loud she got it. OH! SHIFT! By the end of the class she was so excited to go home and start shoveling out the old and making breathing room for herself and her husband. She realized that she wouldn’t be losing anything, but gaining everything.
Clutter blocks the way of more – more of the right and better – more of the best for you. To have a rich and radiant life it’s imperative that you declutter and organize, decide and release the past and anything that you do not love, is functional and does not bring you joy.
KEY ISSUE HERE: Let go of everything that does not support your present and future.
Dig in. Sort out into containers. Take to thrift shops or shelters. Give away. Make room for better and best! Release the blocks to what you really want and what really wants you!
©2006 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”
Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert
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