Monday, May 16, 2005

Organize: Control It, or It Will Control You

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Organize: Control It, or It Will Control You

"The man who removes a mountain
begins by carrying away small stones."

~ William Faulkner

Whether your frustration is in the form of disorganized and messy paper piles, office desk space, closets, drawers, rooms or yards, the “inner” clutter that is created is more important and more detrimental to you than most green fuzzy things growing in the back of the refrigerator!

It is said that, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

If we forget this simple adage by getting overwhelmed with outer clutter, disorganization and distractions, most meaningless… we lose not just minutes and hours and days, we miss out on every “now” that exists between “now” and “when” we “get organized.”

Getting organized, taking the time to go through piles and stacks; jammed closets, drawers and rooms is a measure of valuing yourself. Your time is valuable. Your life is valuable. Your creativity is valuable. Your talents are valuable. YOU are valuable.

It is the human condition to forget this.

When you are distracted by frustrating clutter, losing time and energy trying to find things every day or spending money on the items you already have, “somewhere,” you are telling yourself in so many actions, thoughts and words that you’re time and energy, your very LIFE breath are not very important. Is that true?

No, it’s not true.

“I'm going to stop procrastinating ... once I get around to it.”
~ Unknown (not surprisingly!)

Clutter: Inner, Outer and Other, affects you more deeply and profoundly than you think.

To feel more connected and in control make and take the time to declutter one area at a time… your possessions should not control you, you should control them. You will be amazed at the openness and energy you gain after you clear out some piles and shelves and unused stuff and things. I’ve hardly had a client who didn’t jump for joy just by being able to see their floor or tabletop again.

One reason to keep “everything” you have is the old, “But what if I need it later?” reasoning. Sometimes this happens of course, we need it just days after we’ve let it go, but not that often and it’s not worth keeping stuff around at the expense of your energy being wasted and sucked up by the clutter vortex!

TIP: If you think you “may” need some things so keep delaying getting rid of them, put them in a box, label it, and store it in the garage or basement, out of the way. Make sure to write the date on it. If in 6 months to a year you haven’t needed what’s in it, “let it go!” Of course, I can hear you! “But, what if right after that, I need it?” Oh…. pleeeeeeeease…. Let – it – go! Life is so much bigger than your stuff!

Dr. DeClutter’s Litmus Test:
- If your house burned down today, would you need the stuff you keep tiptoeing around?
- Would you miss it?
- Would you feel free and happy that it’s gone?
- Would you even remember it anyway?

Clutter is not really the Outer stuff you see, it’s a symptom, a reflection of your Inner Self. Decluttering and organizing are wholistic practices, not just another “chore.” Make them part of your daily “routines” so that you keep up with cleaning out and maintaining only “what you love,” to show your Inner Self that you’re serious about taking better care of your life/space.

Here are some very cool outcomes from getting and staying organized:

1. You will feel much better inside.
2. You will feel less stressed and depressed.
3. You will let go of guilt and embarrassment.
4. You will feel more connected.
5. You will stop wasting time.
6. You will have more time for yourself.
7. You will stop wasting money.
8. You will have more money for yourself.
9. You will stop wasting energy.
10. You will have more energy for yourself and your loved ones.
11. You will feel in control.
12. You will feel free.
13. You will feel more balanced.
14. You will lose “wait” and “weight!” You will feel lighter.
15. You will feel empowered.
16. You will feel happier.
17. You will feel openness in your Outer environment/space.
18. You will feel openness in your Inner environment/mind/space.
19. You will find daily life decisions much easier to make.
20. You will be a role model for your children and others.

What will you do with all that good feeling, open Outer and Inner space?

This IS a test question… as for many who cling to their clutter it’s become a safety net, only dragging them deeper into dark waters. YIKES! Challenge your old beliefs, fears, patterns and routines. Clean out. Declutter. Organize. Let the net go, open up space for your peace and joy and new… SEE WHAT SHOWS UP!

Stop scaring and overwhelming yourself “to death.” Scare yourself “to life!”

©2005 Kim Wolinski – Dr. DeClutter 303-485-5280

Need help getting your space (house, office, barn, backyard – thoughts, mind, time, schedule, priorities, or life) decluttered and re- organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN at

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