Monday, February 28, 2005

Organize “Inner Clutter” to Change Negative Thoughts and Behavior

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Organize “Inner Clutter” to Change Negative Thoughts and Behavior

Are you as organized as you’d like to be? If not, why not?

How much do you struggle getting the energy up to get organized? Most people find it hard to “just start it” let alone, “just do it!”

There are many reasons to put off decluttering and getting organized. For some it’s not enough time, for others it’s not a priority, and for others it’s lack of skill, learned patterns from family background, depression, illness and/or grief.

We don’t think of it this way much, but getting organized is about change. And change can be hard. Trying to change your behavior from negative to positive can seem like the most difficult of all transitions. But negative thoughts and feelings about our environment and ourselves affect all areas of our lives. They block our happiness and enjoyment, relationship with others and ourselves.

Here are four steps to change negative thoughts and behavior:
1. Do not fight or resist change. Learn to flow with your inner voice wanting things to be different in your life. Know that even though you’re not excited about organizing, like exercise or losing weight, just starting it little by little will make a difference over time.

2. “All or none” is not a functional attitude. Don’t try to change everything at once. Whatever you can do to start decluttering even the smallest of areas will start your shift from a down, heavy energy to feeling better about yourself and your environment.

3. Choose fun time. Take conscious timeout with family and friends and rest your mind, do some fun activities. Organize a weekend with old friends to laugh and just be. The goal is to have fun, which for some people is a change in itself!

4. Change your thoughts about yourself and ask for help. If you are really stuck in a rut and feel overwhelmed about your clutter, or having problems because of being disorganized, ask for help from a friend or family member, or call a professional organizer. If you don’t, how long are you willing to stay where you are?

“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.”
~ Carol Burnett

©2005 Kim Wolinski – Dr. DeClutterNeed help getting your space (house, office, barn or backyard) organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN at

-- I make house and office-calls in the Boulder County, CO area, call 303-485-5280.

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