Organize “As If” to Jumpstart Your Declutterfest!
Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”
Organize “As If” to Jumpstart Your Declutterfest!
You’ve heard it. You’ve probably said it yourself. “I’d get organized 'if'I had company coming.” Or, “I always get organized when my in-laws come to visit.” Or, (drum roll) “I’d get organized 'if' I had to move!”
We’re procrastinators most of us. Must be in our genes. We have lots of “stuff” and too many “things” and paper flying at us from every direction… we ignore it, push it aside, complain and gripe about it, put it into boxes to “get to later” (and never do) and on and on it goes. I’ve met many a couple who every time a child graduates from high school “finally” finish a room, build the garage, put in new carpet or whatever. The house looks great for all the guests and the party. Too bad those kids never get to enjoy it while they’re home!
Here’s a positively functional way to declutter and organize anything in a short amount of time. Yes, it is adrenaline filled, yet pleasingly caffeine free! Organize “as if.”
That’s right, organize “as if”…
- you’re getting ready for a big and wonderful party.
- guests are coming just to say hi.
- you’re moving.
- your life depended on it.
- your joy depended on it – it does!
- your financial security depended on it.
- you’re house is burning down. (Make choices quickly. What’s really important out of all that “stuff?”)
- you’re downsizing, your house is going to shrink 50%.
- an emergency – you need important documents NOW!
- You’ve just found out that you’d receive One Million Dollars to let go of everything that is not fun, happy, joyful, useful or functional in your house.
I’m sure you can think of a few more reasons to let go of what is just isn’t you any more, doesn’t matter and gets in your way.
Make a fun family game of it if you have children! They need to learn this life-skill too.
Let me know how it goes. Email me with your “as ifs” and tell me how it worked out!
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©2005 Kim Wolinski – Dr. DeClutterNeed help getting your space (house, office, barn or backyard) organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN at
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