Monday, February 28, 2005

Don’t Be A Clutter Victim

Don’t Be A Clutter Victim

Kim Wolinski, MSW
“Dr. DeClutter”

Do you find it hard to say “NO” to ads that say something is free, 2 for 1, BOGO, that offer rebates, deals, steals and stuff of all kinds that “if you don’t do it NOW you’ll never get a chance like this again!?”

It’s hard to make clear decisions when we don’t know that we don’t know that we’re acting from a knee jerk, fear-based, unconscious mentality. Most of us have been conditioned and programmed from birth by TV, radio, and ads of all kinds blasting at us messages that we are not good enough, thin enough, smart enough, cool enough, strong enough or whatever enough – without their product. We respond like the proverbial Pavlov’s dog eating the goody at the sound of the bell.


We are not lab rats, so why lose our clarity and consciousness over insignificant “stuff and things” that clutter our lives and distract us from our center, our peace and our joy?

Dan Gilbert, University of Texas psychologist explains,
“It’s very well known that people are much more susceptible
to persuasive appeals when they’re distracted.
If I’m an advertiser, I want you to be under information
(over)load in as many circumstances as possible.”

I learned a long time ago, while head counselor at Salvation Army Men’s Rehabilitation Center, that there is always more, and I can wait. Items came into the shop from around town to be fixed by the residents then resold in the SAMRC Thrift Shop. One day I went up to see what they had. I saw a blender I liked and could buy it for pennies before it went to the shop. I asked about it. The small appliance fix-it man said, “That one’s okay, but I’d wait if I were you. Another will come in that’s better.” How did he know this? ESP? No, experience in waiting for the next better and best thing.

When you watch TV, listen to radio, see ads of any kind, shake yourself awake and don’t just react and respond to the sirens on the rocks! Challenge yourself not to impulse buy spending money not always so wisely spent, adding more clutter to your home and mounds to our landfills!

Say “no thanks” more often. Don’t buy more stuff and things that you don’t need, that don’t have a place to live in your home, and will contribute to more “white noise distracting anxiety and stress.” White noise, “inner clutter,” keeps you from the joy and wonder of life’s really FREE AMAZINGLY GOOD DEALS!!!… people, nature and life!

©2005 Kim Wolinski – Dr. DeClutterNeed help getting your space (house, office, barn or backyard) organized? My new video “BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER” is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN at
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