The Post Holiday Shuffle - Put Things Away!
Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter"
Okay, it's the past half-way through January. Are you still lighting your Christmas lights? Still have wrapping paper on the table, floor -- ribbons and bows in the corners -- presents that didn't get sent?
No problem. It's okay. And here's why.
1) Gift wrapping stuff still out.
SOLUTION: If it's making you crazy, use my CHIP-N-CHUNK METHOD to sanity! Decide on one pile, one "CHUNK" of holiday cards, decorations, wrapping items, at a time. Schedule just 1/2 hour to 1 hour at a time and start "CHIPPING" away at it. Clean up and put away. They'll get done.
TIP: Stop the neurosis and stress causing ridicule over this right now! Don't criticize yourself before or during this process. Your home is your home. It's your space. No judgment. No big deal!
"But what will people think?" WHO CARES!!!! STOP IT!!!!
Don't despise now what you were so in love with and excited about just a month ago!
2) Gifts not given, sent, mailed, delivered. Might include thank you's from gifts received. Sometimes there are things we want to put into those gifts boxes for which we're still waiting.
SOLUTION: Don't wait to get the "just right" last things into the box. Box and tape it up. Mail it this week. Move it out. You can always send the rest soon after you compile it.
TIP: No apologies for belated anything. Very few people do it all "perfectly". Again, who cares?! I still have two get-togethers for post-Christmas with friends. We actually like it. It's after the compression of the holidays and we can sit and share holiday stories and enjoy our gifts and time together.
3) Lights still blinking? Decorations still up?
I put my 10 inch Christmas tree in its box (its "home") for the year last week. Okay, the box that it's in is still out on my office table "waiting" for a few more things to get put on the top shelf in the closet, but it's closer!
SOLUTION: Again, use my CHIP-N-CHUNK METHOD. Some people need to do it all in one day and get it done. Great! Others do CHUNK'S at time. Whatever works for you. It's in the "just do it" category. Plan out the time and start!
Option 2: Or... leave them up! This year I put up a string of chili pepper lights on my 2nd floor balcony. I light them every night, and, when it's been so terribly cold, I just leave them on 24/7 so I don't have to open the patio door and pull the plug! And since we have the weekly snow fall this year to cover them and make them picture perfect, they're so pretty. I love them. Of course they're not just Christmas lights, they can be used for lots of occasions (I like functional things like this that are middle-of-the-road-all-around-useable) . . . so I've decided I'll leave them up all winter. Hey, they're fun! I'm thinking, I may even leave them up into the "hot pepper" summer and... sure, why not, "chili pepper harvest" fall!! Have fun with your lights!
Bottom line, have fun with your holiday decorations and gift wrapping and all. Don't let yourself be frustrated with it after the fact. Make the whole process one. One of fun and joy.
Happy Undecorating 2007!
©2007 Kim Wolinski, MSW "Dr. DeClutter" Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert
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It's NEVER too early, or late, to stop another stressful holiday season from stressing you out! My 43-page content packed and idea-rich ebook, Keep the Holidays Simple will give you the permission and plans to make the changes that will help you stay centered, honor your needs and enjoy everyone, no matter what! Order and/or read more at
Need help getting your space (house, office, barn, backyard, thoughts, mind, time, schedule, priorities, or life) decluttered and re-organized? My video "BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN, AND OTHER ORGANIZING TIPS AND TOOLS FROM DR. DECLUTTER" is a great help. You can find out more or order BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN and other products at
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