Monday, January 15, 2007

New Year's Resolutions? How's It Going So Far?

Kim Wolinski, MSW
"Dr. DeClutter"

Did you set your New Year's Resolutions again this month? How's your motivation holding up?

It may be January 3rd or 30th when you read this, but what's for sure is that humans tend to follow the "path of least resistance." We too easily fall back into our normal, lifelong routines, habits and patterns (it's the human condition). Goals are put on the back burner, forgotten and joked about. Another year can go by without moving ahead one step toward our dreams and desires.

Studies show that it takes 21-days to change a habit. I say, it takes 21-days of conscious effort to realize you even have a habit! Then, if you truly want to change it, the work starts! What is on your dream list? What would you like to change, lose, gain, increase, learn, experience, find, create, build, etc.?

We need a few basic components to get and stay motivated and on course to realize our goals and dreams.
1. A plan.
2. Support.
3. New routines.

With just these three pieces of the dream
- machine in place, you'll be
- cranking out those new products
- singing up a storm on your new recording
- going to press with your new book
- starting up the company of your dreams
- starting that new job
- meeting our soul mate
- increasing your income
- moving into your new dream home
- gaining a new body
- spending more time with family, your children or yourself
... whatever you truly want.

If you are short in the SUPPORT, INFORMATION and MOTIVATION Departments, I would love to help you get there from here, wherever there is.

I offer Personal Life Coaching by telephone and online.

You will get the help, guideance, brainstorming sessions, challenging assignments and exercises to move you out of out-dated routines and patterns and more to see the changes you want in any area of life.

Visit my Personal Coaching webpage to find out more at . I look forward to meeting you and working with you to create your new life choices. If not now, when?

Happy New Year!


©2007 Kim Wolinski, MSW "Dr. DeClutter" Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert