Thursday, August 05, 2004

Keys to Organize and Simplify Your Life

Kim Wolinski, MSW
Dr. Declutter

Henry David Thoreau said, “Simplify. Simplify.”

To follow his lead, here are two important ways to deal with clutter, get and stay organized and enjoy your life more today.

Do you have lots of “stuff?” How’s that working for you?

The next time you want to add more stuff to your surroundings,
remember this: 90% of life is maintenance!

Declutter and cull out what are not the special, enjoyable and necessary items surrounding you. Say goodbye to things that don't fit, are out of style, tattered or are unflattering. This goes for clothing, furniture, knick-knacks, and other possessions you're not happy with. Also, let go of pictures and memorabilia that emotionally upset you, make you sad, lonely, relive grief and lock you into the past.

It is said, “We don’t plan to fail, we fail to plan.”

Spend 10 minutes each night, planning for tomorrow. Make a personal TO DO LIST and get ready items that you’ll need when you awake. You'll be focused and ready to take on the world each morning!

Comedienne Phyllis Diller said, “Cleaning up after kids is like shoveling snow when it’s still snowing!” Organizing is a learned skill, a life-skill. Be a role model, help your children, your family to learn these skills too, and you’ll be in heaven!

Happy Holidays! Kim

©2004 Kim Wolinski, MSW “Dr. DeClutter”Stress, Change and Organizational Skills Expert

It's NEVER too early, or late, to stop another stressful holiday season from stressing you out! My 43-page content packed and idea-rich ebook, Keep the Holidays Simple will give you the permission and plans to make the changes that will help you stay centered, honor your needs and enjoy everyone, no matter what! Order and/or read more at

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Life’s too short to keep dealing with the same piles and heaps!